Transwaste recognises that Coronavirus (COVID-19) could have a potential impact on its business, customers and supply chains. At the time of this statement there has been no noticeable impact on the company however this is likely to change in line with government predictions and Transwaste will react and update this statement as the situation develops.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) have issued standard recommendations for the virus and the UK Government has developed and announced their latest Coronavirus Plan. To minimise infection to its employees, customers, contractors and visitors Transwaste is implementing the following stages:
Transwaste has issued employee guidance to all staff based on current UK government guidelines covering:
- Signs & Symptoms
- Methods of spread
- Hygiene precautions
- Instructions to staff who think they may have the virus
- What to do if contact is made with a case that is confirmed
- Leave arrangements to support dependants
- Further Communication/Updates
Transwaste will regularly update all Managers and Directors on the latest prevention and isolation protocols recommended by the UK Government.
Transwaste are advising all staff to follow closely the recommended infection control measures recommended by the UK agencies:
- Frequently washing hands using soap/water and using alcohol-based sanitiser where available
- Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing and immediately dispose of tissues and wash hands
- Anyone who has symptoms or suspects they may have the infection should avoid contact with others and contact the NHS services (NHS 111) for further advice.
- Persons or persons who have dependants that they come into contact with returning from high risk areas (Category 1) are advised to self-isolate and contact the NHS services for further advice. Those returning from Category 2 areas are being informed to self-isolate if they develop symptoms and call the NHS services
- Re-enforcement of following company protocols for dealing with waste that may be contaminated
- Non business critical travel has been suspended and scheduled meetings will be transferred to conference calls wherever practical
Ongoing Monitoring
Transwaste will continually monitor the information, guidance and advice recommended by the UK Government, WHO and the Centre for Disease Control. We will monitor employee absenteeism levels and will provide regular information to management and Directors to allow review of existing business continuity plans covering our business priorities and threats to maintaining service.
Transwaste will constantly evaluate the effects of any potential business interruption and will implement the company’s emergency business continuity plans or parts thereof as far as is reasonably practicable within the restrictions to develop the most effective approach to restoring and resuming critical functions.
To download a copy of our statement for your records Click here.